I Am A Person Too And I Want My Life Back


woman sitting at table smiling Providence Moms BlogHello. I am a 33-year-old female, working mother of two royal children and I want my life back. Before I became a mother, my mind, body, soul, time, food, money, car and sex life was mine, and I’m not giving it away anymore. I love every wonderful, beautiful, smart, creative bone in your precious child body, and you’re mine too! I want you too! I can’t live without you too! And you wouldn’t be here, being so great and all you are if I wasn’t yours….(see what I did there? LOL.) So, on the many occasions when I look at your pudgy preschooler face or shout over the car radio to your second-grade brain that “I am a person too!” hear me well, sweet thing.

I used to dance in the afternoon after school. So kids, dance with me or grab a tablet and busy yourself. I’ll give you a hint: dancing is more fun! To take the time to dance, I will later need your help with bathtime, bedtime routine, and packing lunches. If I do not dance, I do not want to make lunches. And if I dance, I will not have the time to make your lunches. In short, dance or starve, because mama is a person too!

I used to read books until my eyes were red and I fell asleep sitting up. These are not books about the fox and his socks or a cat with ridiculous stripped accessories on his head. These books transformed worlds and people, brought down kingdoms, and created heroes. MY books, because I am a person too!

I will put my life (twice) on the line for my children. I will be their protector. I will be a soft spot and a safe place. I will teach them all I can in the short time they are with me and will give them roots and wings to grow and fly. However, I am a person too. I need to grow, fly, dance, and read sometimes too. I will have me back. I will take this time. And if I cannot take the time, I’ll steal it!


A person…..too

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Shaylene was born and raised in Providence RI (although her family moved around a bit) and usually just shouting out "Shay!" will get you what you need. She loves to serve her community one caregiver at a time, whether it be through breastfeeding support, babywearing education, play dates, online chats, or just a coffee run! Shay has what she needs to fill her cup and LOVES to serve from her abundance! Volunteering is her personal passion, and her job as a medical professional means that her worlds often collide in a glorious fashion; no matter where she goes there are happy people all around her. An independent mother of 2, you can usually find Shay with her two (royal) daughters she has affectionately dubbed the Duchess and Lady of her home. Together, they work hard so they can play harder on the weekends! Welcome to her world... she hopes Providence Mom readers are ready to enjoy the ride!