Technology is a Life Saver Sometimes


I am currently on a Facebook fast as I write this post. I have not surfed Facebook in almost three months! I have gone on periodically only to share blog posts to my page (and once to share an op-ed I wrote for my local paper). And you know what, I don’t really miss it. I’ll log back in and peruse my notifications and feed for something interesting, but I think FB has largely lost its luster for me. But lately, all technology seems to be vilified. I’m here to tell you that there are times that technology has saved me time/energy/money or a combination of the three.

  1. When I forget what I was supposed to get. Now, I’m not saying I like the fact that Facebook knows every conversation, like, share, message, and thought I have ever had while logged into its platform. But I can also tell you as the person who regularly walks in circles in her house trying to remember what the heck I came into one of the rooms for (sometimes I can’t even remember which room I was supposed to go into), having Facebook ads consistently remind me that I’m supposed to buy my kid new uniform socks or buy an ingredient for supper, sometimes comes in handy. It’s not like I would’ve remembered that on my own!
  2. Library books that automatically renew. I feel like I single-handedly support my local libraries with all the fines I have. Now my city is unique (read: a pain-in-the-butt) because those handy bins for returning books and other media when the library itself is closed are missing. They don’t supply them. So, I have to remember that the books are due, then find them, then get in the car, then remember the hours of the library, then get out of the car to give them BACK?! What the heck? Did I mention I can barely remember which room to go to in my own house?! Now I just get an email right before a book is due (unless there is a hold on it—but let’s be honest, I read weird stuff no one else wants to read) telling me that they’ve renewed for me. So I have weeks to get around to returning those books. It’s seriously so liberating. No more stress trying to be the kind of person who can return a book in two weeks or less.
  3. Library e-books. This is the best. It’s like the library industry said “Listen, she’s just NEVER going to give us back those books. Even when we fine her. We have to do something.” So, they invented e-books that you can borrow through your Kindle with your library card! I don’t even have to remember where I put my library card because my computer remembers my login. I just say “Hey, I want that book.” And then my Kindle gives me that book and when it’s due back into that virtual library in the sky, cloud, wherever…POOF! It just automatically disappears from my Kindle without any extra effort. The books don’t pile up on my dining room table for me to stare at and think “I should read those. But I was filled with so much more hope when I got them. Plus I only have 2 more days left before they are due to be returned.” I don’t have to find a bookmark because Kindle just keeps track of it. I save money in fines and time and energy in driving to/from the library building to get it. Plus, if I don’t like a book I can just immediately return it and check out something different.  This is technology at its most perfect perfection.
  4. Practicing my Spanish comprehension without actually interacting with people. I love foreign languages. I love being able to understand someone speaking a different language. But here’s the problem…I don’t like interacting for too long with anyone. So, I improve my language comprehension (Spanish at least) with Netflix! I find Spanish-language shows or even just put Spanish language dubbing on other shows, listen and enjoy my time alone.  Plus, it’s cheaper than paying for classes/tutors or running away to Mexico (although that would be kind of fun to be able to do—I just can’t afford it yet.)

What do you like about technology? How has it made your life easier?