Running on Empty: Why I’m Focused on Myself in 2019


Photo of woman looking at the reflection of her eye in a small mirror with a building and snow in the background. Providence Moms Blog post on self care.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that being a mom (and a wife) to a two-year-old with a full-time job, volunteer commitments, and a tiny blogging gig doesn’t leave a ton of downtime. Lately, I’ve started realizing that there might actually be more “me time” in a twenty-four hour period than I’m realizing and I’m on a quest to spend my time in the best way possible. Here are a few examples of how I’m changing my ways slightly for better vibes and ROI (on myself) in 2019.

I recently realized that I had read a total of about 10 books in the last two years. It wasn’t exactly a number to write home about and for someone that loves reading, it was just downright pathetic. The natural reaction would be to say “I just don’t have time to read now that I have all this other stuff going on”, but I also know that reading is something I enjoy and that there are so many benefits of it! Instead of mindlessly scrolling Instagram (more on that later!) and getting myself hooked on everything Netflix, my bestie recommended that I head on over to GoodReads (#notsponsored) to get some ideas about books that would kickstart my newish found love. I’m proud to report that I’m already on #3 for the year in the first month alone! Reading before bed (or shortly after my son goes to sleep) has led to better sleep, less screen time, and less anxiety.

Getting back to the mindless scroll of Instagram – it’s amazing how much time can be wasted looking at all of the feeds. I was at dinner recently when some friends mentioned that they love the new feature where you can monitor your screentime. A small message pops up when I hit my 15-minute allotment for the day and it’s certainly encouraged me to take a step back and turn my phone over. That time can be much better spent on prepping meals ahead of time (so I’m not scrambling in front of the refrigerator each morning to pack a healthy lunch for myself and my child) or on financial planning for future trips with our family.

Going for a run or doing some yoga has really taken a backseat since becoming a mom, but this year, I’m committed to bringing them both back, even if it means thirty minutes less time with my son. I’m realizing that I’m a better mom for the hours that I spend being focused on our time together rather than the hours that I used to spend being exhausted and stressed out. I’m focusing on myself in 2019 and I think you should give it a try as well.