Growing Up In A Digital Age


It’s 2019. Most people are on social media and with that so are our kids. We take pictures and share stories, both digitally and written. We tweet out funny things, come up with creative hashtags.  Some friends share just the highlights, others share every detail of their lives. Some use it as a platform for what’s important to them or to highlight a triumph or tragedy, and others use it as a way of therapy.

Social media is an excellent way for families to stay in touch, or to stay active in their family’s lives from afar but it can also be consuming. People updating their statuses, sharing stories of potty success’ or venting their frustrations from being home all day. Lots of parents (ok, mostly moms) love joining the social media groups, and there are plenty! Stay-at-home mom groups, babysitting groups, car safety groups, crunchy groups, homeschooling groups. Groups are great because more often than not you can find like-minded people who are having the same struggles as you or have been in your place before and have some sage advice. Others haven’t been there but can lend the support that you so deeply need at that moment. Despite having never met, sometimes it feels like you’ve been friends forever.

But is there too much sharing? Should we not announce when little Pam finally poops on the potty and could we do without little Jimmy hitting the baseball off the T for the 105th time that day? Our kids have no say in the things we are posting about them; good, bad, ugly, or funny. Some people are very strict and have made announcements saying, “please don’t share photos of my child or their name.” Some don’t announce they are pregnant until they are in active labor and some don’t share anything. Every family is different, and every level of sharing is different. There is no right or wrong (in my opinion). But are there long term effects, could a potential employee find something that I once wrote about my kids when they were younger? Is it easier to not post anything? Have we taken it too far?

Some friends like to post their kid’s school events, and others block out the school’s name in fear of something happening. Things have changed since I was a child. My parents didn’t take half as many photos as I do, and I can easily snap away on my phone with a click of a button. It’s so convenient and it’s almost become a part of our routine. But once in a while I wonder if I’m doing it too much and if I should put down the phone and enjoy the moment? But I focus on the moment, and I take that picture so I can look back and smile. I’ve even been known to take pictures of the not so pretty moments to document we survived, and we are doing ok and to also laugh about it after the fact. It’s strange growing up in a digital world but also a beautiful way for people to stay in touch.